REST Client


Feature rich rest client for developers to play with RESTful web services. It can be used to test any URL for following HTTP methods

Main Features

  1. Simultaneous views of request, response and browser.
  2. Post raw data or file, text content or binary.
  3. Post params in either body or as part of URL (twitter style).
  4. Post multipart form data with same ease as of normal post.
  5. Handle response equally well even if it is binary e.g. image, pdf etc. No gibberish characters anymore.
  6. Play with headers, params and request body.
  7. Indented XML/JSON views for better readability.

Min. Requirement


OS Exe Executable Jar Plugin Jar Plugin Update Site
Windows exe file executable jar plugin jar
Mac executable executable jar plugin jar
Linux executable executable jar plugin jar

After installing eclipse plugin it can be found @ Window -> Show View -> Other -> REST Client -> RestClient Tool
Note:- It warns about unsigned jar while running for the first time. This is because standard SWT distribution jar is bundled with OS specific libraries to interact with native look and feel widgets of OS i.e. it has few DLLs for windows. For more info visit

SSL Handling

All SSL validations are disabled by default. User can customize/override default behavior.
Please go through documentation.

Screen Shots

XML Response

HTML Response [Google Book Search]

Image Response [Google Static Map]

Rest Client as Eclipse Plugin



Release 1.0.3 - September 12, 2011

Issue Fixed:

Fix includes enhancements for SSL Handling.

Release 1.0.2 - July 22, 2010

List of Fixes for Issues:

  1. New lines (CR) get removed from text file while submitting it as POST body.
  2. Response body should be displayed as is if no indentation.
  3. Content-Type header goes blank when posting any file.
  4. Display body part of request pane is not encoded (with UTF-8) while actually client submits encoded params body string. It is misleading.
  5. Request pane doesn't display content if request results erroneous response.
  6. Request pane doesn't display actual post body message format if request is multipart/form-data.
  7. Add OPTIONS and TRACE HTTP methods.
  8. Do not verify host names in SSL certificate. Allow all host names.

Issue List:


Release 1.0.1 - July 6, 2010

Added indentation to XML and JSON displayed in request and response pane

Note: Automatically exported from